Rocky Mountain Nordic Division – 2019/2020 Policies and Codes of Conduct

pdfClick here to download a copy of the 2018/2019 Policies and Codes of Conduct


The Rocky Mountain Nordic Division (RMN) is a community based (501) (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing the opportunity for children and adolescents to learn and excel in the sport of cross country skiing. This goal is approached at all levels, from learning basic skills to the highest degree of competition; regional, national, and international. The RMN provides a vehicle for athletes to enhance their athletic skills, and in the process of doing so, to build character. It is a place to learn our core values: commitment, teamwork, discipline, and citizenship. It is a place to learn goal setting, social skills, a work ethic, and healthy competitive attitudes. It is our goal as coaches and staff to bring together these elements in programs which build self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment in each athlete.


The Rocky Mountain Nordic Division’s competitive athletes are required to follow the conditions set forth by the RMN’s Code of Conduct, the respective club or team Community Code of Conduct and the USSA Code of Conduct as it appears in the 2019 US Ski & Snowboard Nordic Competition Guide. In addition to the above Codes of Conducts, RMN coaches will adhere to pertinent portions of the I.O.C., US Ski & Snowboard, and RMN Code of Conduct and Ethics. Breaches in any of the above codes of conduct will be dealt with as outlined below.


Each member of a Rocky Mountain Nordic competitive team shall conduct themselves in a manner that exemplifies good personal behavior, citizenship, and sportsmanship. Specific rules of conduct include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Competitors shall abstain from the use of illegal drugs, consumption of alcohol and any form of tobacco while involved in any Club-related activity (i.e. travel training or competition). Use of these substances by athletes in non-club related activities would also be considered a breach of the RMN Code of Conduct.

2. Competitors shall abstain from the use of profane or abusive language.

3. Competitors shall conduct themselves in an honest manner, with no stealing or misrepresentation whatsoever.

4. Competitors shall show self-control and have consideration for others.

5. No competitor will engage in any form of hazing or bullying.

6. All team members have the inherent right to learn. No one is allowed to interfere or prevent others from learning.

7. Competitors shall respect other’s belongings. Tampering with other athletes’ equipment will not be tolerated.

8. Team members will maintain a neat and clean appearance during travel and competition.

9. Rocky Mountain Nordic issued uniforms must be worn during RMN scheduled events. Athletes wearing team uniforms during non-club scheduled events will be considered representatives of RMN and should conduct themselves responsibly and with the highest degree of citizenship.

10. Team members will adhere to all other travel, school, and training policies as outlined below.

11. All athletes will present themselves in a responsible and respectful manner when traveling with the Rocky Mountain Nordic Division.

12. All athletes will respect the property of hotels or other accommodations while traveling. Individuals will be personally liable for any damage incurred as a result of their actions.

13. Any breach of the above outlined codes of conduct could jeopardize invitation to travel with RMN, participation in RMN camps and scholarship award.


The success of Rocky Mountain Nordic Division athletes and programs depends on positive involvement and support from the parents. Constructive feedback on programs and staff is welcomed and will help the Rocky Mountain Nordic Division further improve its programs. Please take time to understand the following items in the Parent Code of Conduct.

1. While in attendance at Rocky Mountain Nordic Division races or events, parents are required to abide by the US Ski & Snowboard and RMN Athlete Codes of Conduct as outlined above.

2. Parents shall treat all skiers from all clubs and in all classes with dignity and respect.

3. During scheduled coaching sessions, no parent shall act as a coach without the expressed invitation of the appropriate RMN Executive Director.

4. Parents shall subjectively relate concerns regarding programs, staff, their child, or other RMN competitive athletes to the Executive Director.

5. When addressing issues within a program, parents are requested to adhere to the following lines of communications for resolution of that issue: Coach, then RMN Executive Director.

6. Presently RMN JNQ races (except for sprint courses) will have the courses open for coaches and spectators. Coaches and spectators must ski in the proper direction of travel and do not cut the course. They must also be completely off the course with body and equipment if a racer approaches.

7. If a parent is coaching or waxing their own child or other children’s skis they are required to follow the RMN policies on waxing or be subject to having the skier penalized or possibly disqualified.

All competitive athletes, parents, and coaching staff of the Rocky Mountain Nordic Division agree to:

1. Be on time for all departures.

2. Assist in loading and unloading team vehicles.

3. Have their race equipment race-ready prior to departure.

4. Be sure all entry fees are paid in advance.

5. Respect all team vehicles and assist in cleaning vehicles.

6. Travel and lodge with RMN coaches during out-of-town events, unless otherwise approved and pre-arranged.

7. Athletes must present appropriate school release form to their coach prior to traveling to an event in which school time will be missed.

8. Athlete must commit to participation at an event at least 3 days prior to travel or within the time frame deemed appropriate by the coach.


Competitive athletes, parents, and coaching staff who violate Rocky Mountain Nordic Division policies and/or codes of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action by one or more of the following: Coaches, Program Directors, and Executive Director or competition committees. Action taken against an individual as a result of an infraction can include, but is not limited to reprimand, forfeiture of scholarship awards, suspension, or expulsion from any or all Rocky Mountain Nordic Division competitive programs.

Minor infractions to the code of conducts and RMN policies will be dealt with as follows:

1. First offense – Verbal reprimand and written documentation.

2. Second offense – Reprimand, written notification by Executive Director to the parents stating nature of offense and that a problem is developing.

3. Third offense – Athlete and parent will meet with the Program Director and Executive Director. One or more of the following actions will be taken against athlete: forfeiture of scholarship awards, or suspension from the program.

Severe infractions involving an athlete’s use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco will immediately go before the Program Director, Executive Director, and three members assigned from the RMN competition committee.

Actions will include the revocation of travel privileges with the RMN, forfeiture of any scholarship awards, and suspension or expulsion from any or all Rocky Mountain Nordic Division programs. Any athlete who forfeits his/her scholarship or is expelled from a RMN program due to disciplinary action will be responsible for full payment of all program fees.

I have carefully read and I fully understand all my responsibilities under the Rocky Mountain Nordic Division Code of Conducts and policies as have been outlined above. I also understand the resulting disciplinary actions, which will occur should I violate these codes and policies as an RMD competitive athlete.

Athlete Signature______________________________________ Date___________________________________

(Print Name)__________________________________________ Ski Club_________________________________

Parent Signature_______________________________________ Date___________________________________

(Print Name)__________________________________________________________________________________